TYPE: Finance Committee Meeting
DATE: 12/7/2023       TIME: 5:30 PM
LOCATION: School Board Rooms: 797 Westminster Street, Providence, RI; 3rd Floor
Finance Committee Meeting
1.0 Convene Meeting
1.1 Call to Order Action
2.0 Approve Agenda
2.1 Approval of the Agenda Action
3.0 Consent Agenda Action
3.1 Approval of the Consent Agenda Action
3.2 Approval of Minutes - November 8, 2023 Action
4.0 Report on Contracts
4.1 Senior School District Administrator Hiring Action
4.2 Partners Technology Action
4.3 Instructure Action
5.0 Adjourn
5.1 Adjourn Meeting Action
Next Regular School Board Meeting is December 13, 2023.